6:03am baby is crying, husband overslept, and the coffee didn't get set last night, this is how I woke this morning. All quick fixes, just took a little longer to get to that....Ahhhh.....refreshing first sip of Coffee for Two! I compartmentalize random thoughts, compile tons of information, and press "compute" out spits the plan of execution for the Bustle Day.
Sweet Thursday has provided me enough time to give my blogging a shot. I'd like to share my sometimes very random thoughts, new found knowledge, and great finds ( I've a huge heart for coupons and great deals) here for my friends and maybe at one point, a follower. I'd like to consider myself a networking being, involved in tons of activities, food co ops, the HOTUGC,a member of Antioch Community Church, a supporter of The Farm, and tons of Local Local Local. I have awesome friends involved in great things that should be shared and supported. Hopefully this will allow me to share some insight, opinions, stories, and information with y'all (wow, I never used that word till Texas).
For now, I've got floors to clean, and dinner to plan. By the way, is it acceptable for me to make a chore chart if the only people that can read it in the house are my husband and myself?
I once read where it is unacceptable to post a blog without a picture, so here it is! Meet Herb, my husband and myself, Holly on our wedding day, September 13, 2009!
You are so sweet and beautiful...can't wait to read more about your life on your blog occasionally.